(Pursuant to article 13 of the Regulation (EU) No 679/2016)

By the present policy, pursuant to the EU Regulation No 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), GiuliaMonaco.com (below “GiuliaMonaco.com” or “the Controller”), as data controller in the name of the present website, wants to provide to the interested part and adequate policy.

GiuliaMonaco.com Ltd pays attention particularly to data protection and wants the visitors of www.giuliamonaco.com to feel safe, both during web surfing and in case users decide to provides their personal data to benefit from specific services or functionalities.

Identity and data about the controller


VAT number 01068901006

Email: info@giuliamonaco.com

Purposes of processing and legal basis

Your personal data will be treated:

Without your consent (art 6, letters b, c f of the GDPR) for following purposes:

To perform services or one or more operations agreed by contract, with particular reference to registration to the website GiuliaMonaco.com and the relative use of its services;

To fulfil tax obligations;

To contact you, through references you communicated, for processing your requests expressed into the form available on the present website;

To fulfil law and regulations obligations (national or European ones) or to execute an order of Judicial Authorities or of supervisory bodies;

To exercise or defend the right of the controller before the Court;

With your consent (art 7 of the GDPR) for following purposes:

To promote products and services of GiuliaMonaco.com through the shipping of advertising, information, promotional material and updates about initiatives and offers, market research activities, economic and statistical analyses;

To communicate to third parties to make them send advertising, information and promotional material concerning their products and services.

Providing data for the above-mentioned purposes (section i.) is compulsory. Data missing or the expressed refusal to data processing will entail the impossibility for GiuliaMonaco.com to process your requests or competent authorities’ ones.

On the contrary, providing data for the above-mentioned purposes (section ii) is discretionary. Consequently, you can decide to deny your consent or to revoke it in any moment.

Modality of processing

The processing of your personal data will be implemented with or without the support of informatics systems.

GiuliaMonaco.com ensures physical and logical protection of data and the privacy of processed personal data, adopting all necessary technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee their safety.

Processed data categories

For the purposes of data processing described above, it is outlined that only personal data will be processed, such as name and surname, tax code, VAT number, residence, domicile, email address or PEC (certified electronic mail), telephone number and fax, that is to say all data necessary to the providing of services into the portal, as well as any other data provided when filling the form.

Categories of recipients of personal data and flow of data

Personal data provided by users can be accessible for:

GiuliaMonaco’s employees and partners, acting as authorised operator for processing;

Third parties, acting as person in charge of the process, working for GiuliaMonaco.com;

Judicial or supervisory Authorities, administrations and public bodies (national or international ones) if necessary to fulfil law obligations and to process their requests;

Other societies of GiuliaMonaco.com group

In case of expressed consent to the use of personal data for purposes indicated in the previous paragraph 2, section (ii.), data can be accessible to GiuliaMonaco’s trading partners in order to send advertising, information and promotional material concerning their products and services.

Your personal data will be stored on servers located in the European Union as propriety and/or availability of GiuliaMonaco.com and/or third societies, duly names as responsible of data processing. In casa personal data processing may require to export them outside the European Economic Area, GiuliaMonaco.com will undersign with the importer adequate standard contractual terms, in line with the models arranged by the European Commission.

In any case, your personal data will not be spread.

Planned conservation period of personal data

Personal data, collected for purposes explicated in this policy, will be processed and stored for the entire duration of the initiated relationship and also successively, in the limits permitted by law, for administrative and accounting purposes, as well as to protect and defend the rights of GiuliaMonaco.com, if necessary.

Rights pursuant to GDPR

We inform you that, pursuant to articles from 15 to 23 of the GDPR, you can exercise specific right turning to GiuliaMonaco.com, such as:

To access your personal data, obtaining evidences of the purposes followed by GiuliaMonaco.com, of the categories of involved data, od recipients to which data can be communicated, of the applicable period of conservation, of the existence of automated decisional process;

To obtain the correction of incorrect personal data without delay;

To obtain the cancellation of your data, if provided for;

To revoke the consent/s;

To obtain the limitation of data processing or to take position against it, when possible;

To require data portability, that is to say to receive them in a structured and of common use format, readable by automatic device and to transmit these data to another controller, without any obstacle from GiuliaMonaco.com;

To complaint before the Data Protection Authority.

For further information about the modality of personal data processing, as well as to exercise the above-mentioned rights, you can send an email to info@giuliamonaco.com, specifying clearly the information or action required.

Surfing data

IT systems and software procedures designated to the operation of the website GiuliaMonaco.com acquire some personal data during their normal exercise and then their transmission is implicit in use of communication protocols of the Internet.

They are information not collected to be associated to interested identities, but for their nature can let identification of user through elaborations and associations to data of third parties.

This data category includes IP addresses or names of computer used by user connecting to the website, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used when submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code that identifies the status of the answer from the server, (successful, errors, etc.) and other parameters concerning operating system and IT environment of the user.

These data are used only to get statistical nameless information about the use of the website, to control if it works correctly and they are deleted immediately after the elaboration. Data could be used to verify responsibility in case of a hypothetical cybercrime against websites.

Data provided by the user voluntary

To access some services/functions or to transmit requests, the Surfer could send to GiuliaMonaco.com his personal data (such as his email address). This data will be processed by GiuliaMonaco.com just to let the use of services and functions involved and to manage the requests, for the time technically necessary to these purposes. When these data are collected for other purposes, it will be specified by specific policies each time and, if necessary, a consent will be requested.


Cookies are used by websites to recognise users during a work session. As indicated in the regulation of data protection authority, they are “little text files” – consisting in numbers and letters – “that visited websites send to its computer (generally to the browser) where they are stored to be transmitted to the same website at the next visit of the same user”.

Cookies are safe –they can only store information inserted by the browser relating to its access or when information is included in the request page. They cannot transform themselves into codes and they cannot be used to assess user’s computer. If a website encrypts information into cookie, just the website can read it.

For further information about the use of cookies, you can read the relative policy clicking here Cookie Policy.